1275 Minnesota St / Gallery 200
Sat. Jan 20 4:30PM to 6:00PM
01/20/2018 4:30pm 01/20/2018 6:00pm Curatorial Talk: Evelyne Jouanno

On the occasion of a visit by Professor Greg Niemeyer and students from UC Berkeley's Center for New Media, Evelyne Jouanno will give an informal talk about Ars Citizen, its projects and organization, and its current presentation of composer and artist Ryoji Ikeda. Limited spots are available to the public on a first come, first served basis. For more information, email: contact@arscitizen.org.

1275 Minnesota St America/New_York public

Curatorial Talk: Evelyne Jouanno

On the occasion of a visit by Professor Greg Niemeyer and students from UC Berkeley's Center for New Media, Evelyne Jouanno will give an informal talk about Ars Citizen, its projects and organization, and its current presentation of composer and artist Ryoji Ikeda. Limited spots are available to the public on a first come, first served basis. For more information, email: contact@arscitizen.org.