Steel Wool
Steel Wool
Liquid Marble
Liquid Marble

1275 Minnesota St / Jack Fischer Gallery

On view will be the work of Ted Larsen and Jonathan Parker.

*Opening reception for both artists October 22nd, 3-5 p.m.

"These two bodies of work interest me particularly as they both explore form and color with wildly different materials and voices to fashion their paragraphs and short stories."
- Jack Fischer

Parker paints on canvas which he then cuts and sews onto pristine canvases or used painter drop cloths.  In spite of Parker’s use of these most humble materials, I find myself thinking of this work having a mid-century elegance with equal doses of constructivism and color field sensibility, and a nod to arte povera.

We are intrigued, seduced and taken intimately into the artist’s decision-making process. As our eyes course over each stain, loose thread, and accidental spatter, the gorgeous compositions seem to effortlessly come to life.

In Parker’s words: “ When I make art, I have something to say, however when I stand before a finished work, it has something to say to me. And if the painting works, it speaks not in my voice but in a universal language.”