Henna Vainio

Henna Vainio’s primary medium is pigmented plaster from which she builds lean freestanding statues cast from moulds of corrugated cardboard sheeting, and wall-hanging slabs cast from squashed towels and other pliant textiles. In the standing works, with a few judicious pinches, rolls and crumples along with eyeballed DIY physics for stability, Vainio conjures the body. Along with plaster, she uses glass to fuse together layers of gesture, shape, and opacity of heated and cooled forms, embedding them with components of everyday materials.

Vainio (b.1981 in Jyväskylä, Finland) is a graduate of Chelsea College of Arts, London and The Slade School of Art, London. Recent exhibitions include ‘Hardstep’, Josh Lilley Gallery, London, (2019); ‘More Life’, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2018); ‘Legs’, Plaza Plaza, London, (2016).

