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Located in San Francisco’s historic Dogpatch district, the Minnesota Street Project offers economically sustainable spaces for art galleries, artists and related nonprofits. Inhabiting three warehouses, Minnesota Street Project seeks to retain and strengthen San Francisco's contemporary art community in the short term, while developing an internationally recognized arts destination in the long term. 

Founded by entrepreneurs and collectors Deborah and Andy Rappaport, Minnesota Street Project was inspired by the couple's belief that philanthropic support for the arts today requires an alternate model—one that uplifts the innovative nature of San Francisco and the Bay Area as a whole.

Their vision of a dynamic, self-sustaining enterprise that encourages heightened support for the arts from newcomer and established patrons alike.


Where is Minnesota Street Project?

Minnesota Street Project consists of 15 art galleries and pop-up exhibitions at 1275 Minnesota St. and 1150 25th St. that are always free and open to the public 11AM to 5PM Tuesday-Saturday.

Do all of the galleries maintain the same hours?

No. Each gallery has individual hours, posted here.

What can I do at Minnesota Street Project besides see art?

Visit our restaurant Besharam for a delicious lunch Thursday-Saturday or come after hours Wednesday-Sunday. You can also relax in the Atrium on our comfy bleacher seating and use our free wi-fi.

How do I know what’s happening at Minnesota Street Project?

Please sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter and follow us on Instagram for up-to-date information on our exhibitions, events and programming.

Can I rent out the space for a private event?

Yes. For more information on our event space, please visit here.



Andy Rappaport


Deborah Rappaport

Director & Founder

Julie Casemore

Executive Director of Campus Experience

Aimee Le Duc

Director of Finance & Administration

Cherisse Baird

Finance & Operations Manager

Jamie Sandoval

Director of Facilities Operations

Michael Rubel

Director of Client & Organizational Strategy

Danny Skinner

Director of Collection Care & Head Registrar / Art Services

Alycia Piazza

Director of Project Management & Field Services / Art Services

Ted Setina

Head Art Handler / Art Services

Tyler Scheidt

Public Engagement Associate

Jaelynn Walls

Office Supervisor and Events Coordinator

Sarah Austin


For press inquiries, please email