1275 Minnesota St / Themes + Projects

Artist Reception: Saturday March 2nd | 6pm-8pm

Themes+Projects gallery presents a new photography exhibition by Brigitte Carnochan titled,  "Emily’s Garden".  Inspired by the richness of Emily Dickinson’s poetry, and a common love for the garden by both poet and photographer, Brigitte Carnochan creates striking platinum palladium photographs printed on handmade Japanese paper. Upon a closer look, one will notice the radiance of gold leaf backed on the photograph. Dickinson’s own handwriting also appears in the art,  inconspicuously or half hidden, on which image are based. Having written nearly eighteen hundred poems, Dickinson provided a wealth of inspiration for Carnochan. 

Brigitte Carnochan’s photographs are represented nationally and collected globally by museums, corporate and private collectors. She has had solo exhibitions in Latvia, Italy, Chile, and Hong Kong as well as in New York, Houston, Boston, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, Ketchum, Woodstock, Albuquerque, Carmel and San Francisco. In addition to the publication of three monographs (Bella Figura 2006, Shining Path 2006, Floating World 2012), the German publisher, Edition Galerie Vevais, launched a monograph of her images in 2014 at Paris Photo. For many years she taught workshops and classes through the Extension Program at UC Santa Cruz and Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program. She is on the Advisory Councils of Center, in Santa Fe and The Center for Photographic Art in Carmel.

To preview the exhibition visit HERE.