Nicola Vruwink, I Wish I Knew What I Was Looking For, 2009 Cassette tape, plastic, metal pins 72 x 83 x 1.5 inches Lyric from Under the Milky Way by The Church, 1988
Nicola Vruwink, I Wish I Knew What I Was Looking For, 2009 Cassette tape, plastic, metal pins 72 x 83 x 1.5 inches Lyric from Under the Milky Way by The Church, 1988

1275 Minnesota St / The Jones Institute

Floating at the nexus of nostalgia, craft, and cultural commentary, Nicola Vruwink's ongoing series of crocheted wall hangings are love letters to the cassette tape and touching reminders of the enduring power of music to evoke memory, emotion, and connection. By meticulously crocheting popular lyrics from her youth into physical form with vintage black magnetic cassette tape as her medium, Vruwink recalls a time fueled by the rise of MTV and increased globalization, when music was tangible and the rainbow of songs traversing the airwaves helped define an era.

Drawing from the music of the 1970s and 80s, Vruwink’s thoughtful collection of lyrical phrases brings to mind MTV cable channel and Casey Kasem's eagerly awaited American Top 40 weekly radio show that served as a barometer of popular sentiment and taste and crystalized the soundtrack of the times. Lyrics like Andy Gibb's plea for love and connection, I just want to be your everything, George Michael's painful realization that there is no comfort in the truth, or The Church's introspective search for meaning, I wish I knew what I was looking for, invite a journey through a sonic landscape of love, longing, and memory prompting reflection on how music influences both our collective experience and sense of personal identity. The hand-crocheted nature of the lyrics adds a layer of warmth to what would otherwise be a cold, slick material. Lovingly crafting each letter with care, she imbues intimacy and nostalgia into the work, evoking memories of a time when music was something tactile, when rewinding and fast-forwarding held a sense of anticipation and discovery…a time when you’d give your kingdom for a pencil.

The Jones Instute