1275 Minnesota St / Nancy Toomey Fine Art

Artist Reception: January 12th | 5pm–7pm

Nancy Toomey Fine Art is pleased to announce an exhibition of works by Peter Halasz entitled Fall into the Half Light.

Los Angeles based painter Peter Halasz hails from La Jolla, where the cliffs and beaches of Windansea set in motion his exploration of the nocturnal ethereal half light that continues to inform his art and music. Halasz's technique of layering glazed monochromatic colors, in both still life and portraiture, results in haunting, hallucinatory images that exist solely within their own realm. His images suggest a coming in, and moving away from, a conjured light that exists only in some half remembered dream. These psychologically charged tableaus rendered in seductive tones of ochre, petal pink, and foggy gray, set a mood where the familiar world ends and a less finite one begins. Taking his inspiration from sources as disparate as 19th century romanticism, the music of The Cure, and the Light and Space movement born in Southern California, the work remains distinctly his own, offering a contemporary take on a traditional medium.

The paintings of Peter Halasz have been exhibited nationally at the Grand Rapids Museum of Art and at several galleries in Los Angeles, La Jolla, and New York. His work has been reviewed in publications such as Art Papers, The San Diego Union-Tribune, Art Scene, The Surfer's Journal, LA Fashion Mag, and Riviera Magazine. Fall into the Half Light is Peter Halasz's first exhibition at Nancy Toomey Fine Art.