Phoebe Beasley, <em>Political Postures</em>, 2002. Collage. 24x36 in.
Phoebe Beasley, Political Postures, 2002. Collage. 24x36 in.

1275 Minnesota St / Rena Bransten Gallery

Phoebe Beasley: MIGRATIONS in Our Mind’s Eye

"Phoebe Beasley's eye has never failed her, has never lied to her, and her art generously gives us beauty, information and always the truth." — Maya Angelou

Rena Bransten Gallery is pleased to present our first solo exhibition with celebrated Los Angeles based artist Phoebe Beasley. Working primarily in collage, Beasley’s work is celebratory in nature, rejoicing in the persistency of hope underlying the human spirit. While the characters of Beasley’s images are ordinary people in everyday situations, their narratives delve deep into American experiences, in the case of this exhibition the Great Migration.

Artist Statement: Migration is about the longing for a more peaceful and prosperous existence, a longing so strong that we are propelled to leave a job, a lover, a family, and even our old selves behind in the wind. Whether it was leaving the South for a better life up North or out West during the years of the Great Migration, from the early 1900's to the 1970's (as my grandparents did with my father at three months old), in the mind’s eye of those travelers the unknown was a great improvement to their present circumstances. The artwork From South by North to West (2018) captures their mindsets, vacillating from chaotic to steely focused, wondering how best to proceed, while Silver Linings of Hope (2019) encapsulates the longing of hearts still yet to be fulfilled, with a plan at hand.

History has, however, revealed a more challenging account of the many courageous sacrifices of my grandparents and so many others as they laid the foundation for generations yet to be born to achieve success.