1275 Minnesota St / The San Francisco Arts Education Project

Opening Reception: November 3rd | 6pm-8pm

Celebrating five decades of excellence in arts education

Since 1968, the San Francisco Arts Education Project has offered more than 250,000 public school students a chance to paint, dance, act, sing, weave, and sculpt – mentored by working artists. Founded on the premise that art is not a luxury, but an essential part of our shared humanity, we believe that participation in the visual and performing arts leads to more compassionate, creative, and empowered adults.

This celebratory exhibition, curated by SFArtsED Artistic Director Emily Keeler (now in her 32nd year with the organization), celebrates the children, artwork and artist mentors who have created, explored and grown through five decades of insightful, joyful work. Through text, photos and video, the exhibition focuses in on each of the last five decades in the organization’s history. The exhibition also includes five short documentaries about various aspects of the organization’s programs through the years.

Special opening reception on Saturday, Nov. 3, 6-8 p.m. celebrating the artist mentors who have worked with SFArtsED through the years.

Exhibition media consulting and production: Stijn Schifeleers and Pete Belkin. Special thanks to Stanford Green Library: Ruth Asawa Archive. Exhibition made possible by Crankstart Foundation, The Bernard Osher Foundation, The National Endowment for the Arts.