1275 Minnesota St / Themes + Projects

Artist reception: Saturday, April 6th | 6pm-8pm

Themes+Projects gallery presents Obscured, new work by Tom Sandonato. Obscured marks Tom's second solo exhibition with Themes+Projects gallery, since his Passages show in 2017. This collection of new mixed media paintings brings to life Tom's ongoing fascination with what lies beneath the surface. In a world consumed by a cacophony of words, symbols, politics, and religion, "Obscured" invites the viewer to come closer, peer past the facade, and discover the truth below.

The artwork starts with the discipline of a grid. Tom etches the surface of each panel with painted hash marks and builds depth by applying layers of acrylic paint, imbedding objects, chalk, wax and powdered pigment all on multi-ply wood box frames. At some points in creation, layers are removed and then possible reapplied, which expose the wood grain imperfections and create new textures. Some pieces take several months to complete, and others express themselves within a few weeks. Only when panels are coated with layers of cold wax, does Tom consider them done.

Tom Sandonato, also known as the co-creator of kitHAUS, an eco- friendly pre-fabricated modular building unit, is a designer, builder, and artist living and working in Los Angeles. Born in New Jersey, Tom attended Ramapo College where he studied painting with Johanna Poussette Dart, McCarther Binion and sculpture with Jay Wholley.

To preview the exhibition visit: http://themesandprojects.com/Tom-Sandonato/