Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. <em>Mustaq-bel 2</em>, 2019. (مستقبیل). Courtesy of the artist.
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Mustaq-bel 2, 2019. (مستقبیل). Courtesy of the artist.

1275 Minnesota St / Bass & Reiner

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto: Future Faithful: Islamic Experiments in Space Exploration & Posthumanism

Bass & Reiner gallery is pleased to present Future Faithful: Islamic Experiments in Space Exploration and Posthumanism, the first solo exhibition of multidisciplinary artist Zulfikar Ali Bhutto with the gallery. Conceived as an investigation on post-utopian and post-human worlds, the exhibition promotes an experimental dystopian universe anchored in a semi-religious futurist aesthetic, mirroring a side of our current reality, while promoting an alternative.

In this series presented, Islam is used as vehicle to propel the futurist imagination by looking into its occult practices, mysticism, and the evolution of its politicization. The omnipresence of the Bull figure throughout the works is a direct reference to the first chapter of the Holy Quran - prologue titled Al-Baqarah, The Heifer. In the holy book. the site of Prophet Muhammad’s first mosque is chosen by his female camel, while the Prophet himself is taken to heaven by a beautiful androgynous half-human, half-winged mule creature named Buraq - Lightning Bolt. Bhutto takes his inspiration from the scriptures, but creates a new narrative, inviting a manish figure to merge with the divine.

As part of the installation, Bhutto utilizes video and fabric installations to bring to life a daunting future as part of his current series, Tomorrow We Inherit the Earth. While the video serves as a pseudo documentary, utilizing animation and archival footage to build a narrative around a fictitious revolution, the textile works are created to honor real and imagined queer guerrilla fighters from Shiite Muslim traditions of martyr and saint veneration. 

As the artist states, “in a capitalist world where the wealthy get to board private planes to leave behind disease and warfare, queer Muslim future rebel leaders use the technologies of divination, numerology and guerrilla style engineering to secure the lives of those in need.”
