c/o Jane Ivory
c/o Jane Ivory

1275 Minnesota St / Jane Ivory / Gallery 211

Edge of Change 

Jane Ivory presents Edge of Change, a three-part series of lens-based black and white photography.

What We Value and Yet, Once Abused:

The extraordinary wilderness seen as you travel along highway 395 in the Eastern Sierras has historically been exploited: by mining companies, by distant urban centers sapping lake water, by movie production companies tearing up the land in the process of creating entertainment – to name 3 instances. The government created parks to protect and preserve these areas and encourage people to visit, but the scars of enterprise remain visible.

Edge of Change:

Our institutions are going through cathartic changes. What we stand for is evolving. The size and purpose of the military complex is being questioned. Religions have had to rethink what they stand for and now seem irrelevant as society becomes more secular. Marginalizing groups by race is no longer seen as permissible. Depleting natural resources and industrial scale farming is now regretted. But as we look across the expanse to the future is there hope for real change? 

Reflections of Change:

Images capture through soiled windows are often reflections of the past, the abandoned, the forgotten.
